Admin email in hostmonster passwor

How to Change the Admin Email in Hostmonster Detailed Guide

6 minutes read

How to Change the Admin Email in HostMonster: In the era of web hosting, managing the admin email is one of the crucial parts in terms of maintaining control and security as well. Hostmonster is one of the reputed hosting providers that simply provides the direct process to change the admin email address. So, for your ease, here in this detailed guide, we are going to provide you with a complete step-by-step process that helps you to know the complete process of how to change the admin email in hostmonster. So, keep reading this article till the end to know about it in a better manner.

How to Change The Admin Email In Hostmonster?

how to change the admin email in hostmonster

Nowadays, online presence is extremely important in every aspect and keeping your admi email updated is highly required. Whether the changes in organization or personal preferences, updating the email address simply ensures easy and smooth communication and also helps to manage the account with HostMonster as well. This article simply assists you in understanding the process of how to change the admin email in hostmonster app.

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Accessing the HostMonster Control Panel

  • Log In: First of all, you have to start it by logging into your hostmonster account. You are required to enter your login credentials like your username and admin email in hostmonster password in terms to simply access the control panel.
  • Navigate to Profile: Now, into the control panel, simply locate and click on the profile or account settings option. Here, you will be able to find out all the settings related to your account information.

Locating Admin Email Settings

  • Find Email Settings: You have to look up the section particularly related to the admin email in hostmonster login settings. In most cases, you will be able to find it under the account or profile settings.
  • Locate Admin Email Field: Into the email settings, you will find the field that is labelled as “Admin Email” or in similar term. It is the place where your present admin email address is available.

Changing Admin Email

  • Enter New Email: Into the respected field, you are required to enter your admin email address. Also, you have to ensure accuracy to simply avoid any type of disruptions in communication-related to your hostmonster account.
  • Verify Changes: HostMonster may also prompt you to simply confirm the changes. You are required to verify the new email address to simply ensure accuracy and also to prevent any type of unauthorized changes as well.

Updating Contact Information

  • Review Additional Settings: Into the account settings, you have to simply take a moment to review and update any of the contact information that is linked up with your hostmonster account. It generally includes your name, organization and also some of the other related details.
  • Save Changes: After entering the new email of admin and also after reviewing the additional settings, simply save the changes. HostMonster generally provides the save or update button for such purposes.

Confirming Changes

  • Check Confirmation Email: Hostmonster may also send you a confirmation email to the old and new admin email addresses. You are required to check out your email inbox for such messages and then you have to follow the given instructions.
  • Verify In Control Panel: Now, you have to get back to the control panel and then simply verify that the changes were applied successfully. The admin email field simply shows your updated email address.
Admin email in hostmonster password

You need to know that changing the admin email in HostMonster is a simple process that simply ensures that your account will remain secure and accessible as well. By simply following all these steps, you can easily be able to update your admin email in hostmonster and allow the efficient communication and management of your account.

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How Do I Set Up An Email Account On HostMonster?

You are required to make a login into your hostmonster control panel.
Then, in the side navigation menu which appears on the left side, you have to click on the email and office tab.
After this, you can simply purchase an email plan or click on the manage button to simply plan the changes.

How Do I Contact HostMonster?

You can simply be able to contact them by chat or phone to get hostmonster support. You can use their chat support which is available at or also you can use their phone support at 866-573-4678.

How Do I Cancel Hosting On Hostmonster?

If you have billed for the next term already and don’t want to renew your service then you can contact them at 866-573-4678 or also be able to connect with them on the chat support as well. Before cancelling, you have to ensure that you have the proper backup.

What Is The Refund Policy for Hostmonster?

You can be able to cancel the hosting plan of hostmonster within the first 30 days to simply get a full refund. If you cancel it within 30 days then you will only get the full refund and after this, you won’t be able to get the complete refund at all.

How Do I Access HostMonster Webmail?

You are required to make a login into the control panel at Into the menu options, you have to click on hostings > email. Now, simply scroll down to the email addresses and then click on the view inbox button. Then, on the next page, you need to enter your email address and password and click on the login button.

Final Verdict

Hopefully, by reading this whole article, it will become clear to you all how to change the admin email in hostmonster. We hope that all these steps are useful and helpful for you to implement the changes. If you still have any issue or query about it then you can simply connect with us by simply dropping a comment in the comment section below. We try to connect with a better solution to all your queries as soon as possible.

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