How to change image color in Canva

How to change image color in Canva



Being able to edit image color is a crucial skill in the ever-changing world of digital communication. Whether you work as a social media manager, or graphic designer, or are just a hobbyist, being able to adjust image hues, saturation, and brightness is essential to producing visually appealing material. Canva, a popular online design tool, offers online and offline ways to change the color of images. In-depth strategies and a wide range of tools are covered in this extensive guide. To help users not only grasp the nuances of Canva. But also acquire the flexibility to create visually striking visuals that effectively communicate with their target audience. In this post, we tell about how to change image color in Canva.

How to change image color in Canva

I. Understanding the Basics of Color Editing:

Having a basic understanding of color editing principles is essential before delving into the intricacies of Canvas features. In the digital domain, hue, saturation, and brightness are the three basic components that are usually used to describe colors. Hue captures the core of a color (red, blue, green). Saturation measures the color’s intensity or vividness, and brightness determines how light or dark a color is.

II. How to change image color in Canva Online:

Canva’s web-based platform gets distinguished by its intuitive interface and robust features specifically designed for editing image colors. To ensure a seamless online color editing experience, adhere to these specific instructions:

Accessing Canva:

  • Start the adventure by launching your favorite web browser and going to the Canva website.
  • Go into your already-existing account or create a new one if you haven’t already.

Creating a Design:

Select “Create a design” button to see a variety of design options. That includes presentations, social media posts, and custom measurements made to fit your needs.

Uploading an Image:

  • Select the “Uploads” tab from the sidebar on the left.
  • Use the simple drag-and-drop feature to upload the image of your choice onto the canvas.

Selecting the Image:

To make the selection active, click on the uploaded picture.

Color Adjustments:

  • Examine the “Adjust” option that is prominently displayed in the menu at the top.
  • To precisely shape the desired effect, use the brightness, contrast, saturation, and tint sliders.

Applying Filters:

Exploring the “Filter” tab leads to a world of artistic possibilities. You may play around with pre-made filters that can drastically alter the color palette of your picture as a whole.

Advanced Color Adjustments:

“Advanced options” menu under “Adjust” offers sliders. That control temperature, tint, and a variety of sophisticated color options for aficionados looking for more precise control.

Saving Your Design:

When you have satisfied with changes you made, the last step is to press the “Download” button. In order to save your revised work of art to your smartphone.

III. Offline Color Editing with Canva Desktop App

Canva offers a desktop program that expands its functionality for those who would rather edit offline. To begin adjusting colors offline, take a look at these detailed steps:

Downloading Canva Desktop App:

Start the procedure by going to the official Canva website. There, you can download the desktop application, which works with Mac and Windows operating systems.

Installing the App:

Comply with the simple installation guidelines to guarantee that the Canva desktop application gets successfully installed on your computer.

Launching the App:

To utilize the entire feature set, launch the Canva desktop application and sign in with your credentials.

Creating a Design:

The desktop application makes it easy to alter, whether you’re starting from scratch or going back to a previous design.

Uploading an Image:

Similar to the online process, you can upload the image you want to alter using the “Uploads” page.

Accessing Color Adjustment Tools:

After choosing the uploaded photo, click the “Adjust” option that is clearly visible in the top menu.

Utilizing Advanced Options:

Play around with sophisticated color adjustment settings to get exact control over important elements like hue, saturation, brightness, and contrast.

Applying Filters:

“Filter” tab on desktop application offers an exploratory canvas. Where users can apply artistic filters to give the image a distinctive look.

Saving the Edited Image:

After you’ve made all changes you wanted, click “File”. And then “Download” to save the finished product straight to the user’s computer.

Tips for Effective Color Editing in Canva:

To get the most out of your color editing efforts, take into consideration these detailed suggestions:

  • Maintain Consistency:

Achieving uniformity in color schemes is essential for creating a cohesive visual narrative across a variety of visuals. And while working on projects with several images.

  • Understand Color Psychology:

Explore the field of color psychology to obtain knowledge that will enable you to make well-informed decisions. Regarding the emotional influence of different color selections in your designs.

  • Experiment with Filters:

The wide selection of filters available on Canva is a creative’s playground. Seize the chance to investigate and find the ideal style match for your image.

  • Use the Color Palette Tool:

Use Canva’s advanced color palette tool to create visually appealing color schemes. That will ensure your altered photos flow naturally with the overall design theme.

  • Consider the Platform

Recognize the special qualities of the platform that will be used to display your design. Because colors can appear differently on different devices and platforms, altering should be done with consideration.

image color in Canva


Users can push the boundaries of traditional design. They are adept at the subtle process of altering the color of images on Canva. Both online and offline. Color manipulation is more than just a technical experience; it’s an artistic investigation that enables people to make a lasting impression in the digital space. Embrace the power of color, and let your creativity unfurl in the kaleidoscopic canvas of digital design. By now you would have a good grasp of how to change image color in Canva.

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Frequently asked questions

Q1. How can I alter the color of the backdrop in Canva?

Ans: In the editor side panel, select Background by clicking. If it’s not visible, click Applications first. To incorporate a color tile into your design, click on it beneath the search box. Click the palette icon to select a new color, and then select Add a new color till.

Q2: Can you change the image size on Canva?  

Ans: On the toolbar above the editor, select Position to resize to the precise dimensions. Enter the pixel values in the Width and Height fields under Advanced. To maintain proportion, you can also lock the aspect ratio.

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